4 Variables to consider before you start your day
1) Water : Flow, Temperature, Color
2) Weather: Warming vs. Cooling trends, Season
3) Trout Behavior: Cold blooded, Holding vs. Transitional Water, Pre vs Post Spawn Behavior.
4) Angling Pressure : High Pressure vs Low Pressure Fisheries, Angling Pressure Impact on Trout
How to Read A USGS Stream Flow Gauge.
Trout Behavior

Stocked Trout vs Wild Fish
Rigging Up

Consider mass in terms of bead size.

A blog post I did for FullingMill on the subject of basing fly choice on bead size.
Nymphing Rigs

Favorite all around tippet 5.5x FullingMill Master Class Fluorocarbon
Thanks for a great presentation on Tuesday. Even more thanks for this posting of your notes. Really helpful. Good meeting you!
James Garrett